Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Delsin's first drawing with facial features

Yesterday, Delsin drew this picture on the chalkboard. He then pointed out, to me, the shapes he used. This guy has a hat made out of triangles put together to form a rectangle with a square on the side. He's got eyes with pupils and a nose with nostrils. Delsin pointed out several times that he was smiling. And he has long squiggly arms and lots of legs. I was very proud.

Then he drew another one on paper. I think this looks great.
It has short arms and a heart.
If you look closely you can see he recycled an old recipe I printed and decided I didn't like. ☺

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The kids and I made some binoculars today. I didn't really complete mine. I started them so I could demonstrate what to do to Delsin and Kai without taking over theirs to show them. Mine are the ones on the left. Delsin's are in the middle and Kai's are on the right. They are drying right now. It was good messy fun and kept us out of Daddy's way for a little bit while he has been working on putting trim down around the Kitchen and living room.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Whoa! Keeping up with all the artwork they do certainly has gotten away from me. I have a stack that I keep saying I'm going to photograph and download, but it's still stacking up. I just had to make time to put this on here though. Delsin and Kai and I all worked on this and we are all very proud of it. It's the scarf you see Delsin wearing. I'll admit though I wasn't jumping at the chance to start it. It's nearly 100 degrees here everyday and they wanted to do a knitting project. Nanna gave us this really cool knitting machine that you thread the yarn through and then turn a crank and it pretty much does the rest. We did find out though that maybe next time we should go slower 'cause I had some holes to patch up, but it's still pretty darn cool considering I can't really knit. I like this machine 'cause I think it takes less time than actual knitting and I think we can make pretty much anything that you could knit. We're gonna give it a shot when cooler weather gets here, anyway.